View from apartment...

So work has taken me to Hawaii, and the commute is a pain in the pants. So instead, I got a medium-great apartment in downtown Honolulu. Don't know how long I will be here, but I will still come back to the mainland every few weeks to avoid cabin fever. This, however, is the view from the 34th floor. Posted by Picasa


  1. How can you have cabin fever in Hawaii? Are you nuts? -Amy

  2. I guess--I realized the other day, when I drove around the whole island in 3 hours, that this place is sort of small.

  3. karl - you're in hawaii. i guess it's a good thing there are blogs - or i would have stopped by your place on the mainland and wondered where you were.

    because i do that a lot.

  4. Try going to some of the other islands. I hear that they are beautiful. I think Hawaii would be heaven. Mountains and ocean within an hour of each other. Perfect weather. I guess it would be best if everyone I knew could be there with me. Alone may get a little boring.

  5. i don't think alone is such a bad thing
