Wet Wipe Manifesto

Read the original post here. Some very rational arguments, summarized thusly:

- Why are wipes necessary for babies to get clean bums, but not adults?
- You would never clean dishes with dry paper towels only.
- If you accidentally stepped barefoot in a some human feces, no matter how small, you would do more than brush off your foot with a dry rag.

Be sure to read the comments.


  1. You make excellent points that are all supportive of the Muslim way of wiping.

    It took me a while to realize that my homegirls of Islam weren't all watering plants in their bathroom, but in fact the 'watering can' they had stategically placed near the toilet was for wetting the paper to be applied to their soiled bums. Mashallah, cleanliness is near to godliness!

  2. I was planning on commenting on the prevalence of wet wipes in Ohio missionary apartments, but now I have something better (and perhaps more embarrassing?) to share.

    I was watching an episode of Friends tonight ... in which a baby duck craps on Chandler's hand. Thinking immediately of this blog post, I watched to see what he'd do about it. After making the required joke he walked over to Joey's counter and, in the edge of a screen now focused on Joey, busted out a wet wipe (the kind from those cylindrical containers). I reached a new level of respect for Friends.

  3. You mean everybody doesn't use wet wipes?

    It is like flying first class--once you try it, coach is never quite the same.

  4. Oh, I forgot to mention. I have a colleague at work who can be seen carrying a box of wipies in the hall. Now that is taking your wiping seriously.

  5. This is a marketing ploy by the wet-wipe industry ....right? Speaking from the PRE wet wipe generation, I have a couple of questions.
    Are wet-wipes septic tank or disposal freindly? If not, what do you do with them when you are ahem, done?

  6. When you are done with the wet wipes, you use a square of regular tiolet paper to dry off.

  7. It is true , once you try them, you will never go back:)
