Goals Redux

Even the "World's Fastest Half Marathon" wasn't enough to get me over the 1:30 mark. I set a new PR at 1:38:25 (Harry came in at 1:37 & change). I ran the first 4 miles at pace to hit my goal (and the first mile at 6:01). Then my stomach started roiling with acid and I puked some bile over the side of the road, but just a little. I am pretty sure that acid reflux came from my pre-race In-N-Out double-double the night before.

Which gets me back to my progress on these goals which can be summed up in one word: lies. I lasted a few days trying to get up at 6 AM. I was directionally better at the reading/praying--but definitely not daily. I really didn't want to give my money to George Bush's Library, so I just lied to the website. And I would do it again. One lie to a computer nets me $500. I would do that all day long. Also, I am still at 175 pounds (reference love handles at left). I haven't run a 1:30 yet. Hopefully it will be a good summer...and these goals will take care of themselves.


  1. That's okay Karl, let it all out. I should have taken you up on the money.

  2. Just getting up and running is an accomplishment in and of itselt. Congratualtions on running and finishing,no matter what the time. Goals are good and we need to always try our best but it is the journey that is the most important. We are proud of you.

  3. I have a diet that will get you as thin as you want to be if you want to lose more weight (though I don't see love handles). John and I have been inadvertently following it most of our lives. When you first wake up, don't eat anything right away, then have a big drink of lightly chocolated lowfat milk for breakfas Between breakfast and about 4pm, only chocolate milk. Then gorge yourself on fast food at 4pm-ish. Then the rest of the evening you'll feel mostly ill and not want to eat a whole lot - you can snack on chips and salsa or toast, with more chocolate milk. It works, I swear, and I'm writing a book about it after it works for you.

  4. Well, it will be a big change, Tom, but I think I will find the courage and determination to follow your diet. Also, are you sure it works? Do you even notice 10 lbs when you are 6'4"? You could probably be pregnant and not even know it...which would explain the chocolate milk cravings.

    Also, I am so sore--sorest I have been in several years, except for Grand Canyon.

  5. Goal or no goal, that's still a fantastic time. And Harry is my hero.

  6. I walked past the little gym at our clubhouse today and I felt a bit excited to maybe start going in the evenings. . . but here I sit blogging. I wish I were as motivated as you Karl, when I am in shape I feel so much better all around. It was nice to talk to you today and I am looking forward to seeing you in August.
