Dong In The News

As you know, I track Vietnamese currency developments very , very, closely. (If Google Analytics is to be believed, it is one of the more popular features of my blog.)

On the flip side of this 500-dong coin, I often become aware of other dong-related news. You probably remember the North Korean Taep'o-dong 2 missile scare two years (Daily Show--questionable taste).

But did you realize the missiles Iran tested yesterday are in fact the same base "No Dong A" missile? Stops on the news giggle train:

"No Dong can be well made, but its guidance system is quirky." here

"According to one Western analysis, half of the old-school No Dongs fired would fall outside a 3-4 kilometer radius from the aim point."

"Range-paylod curves for the No Dong assume a burn time of 70 seconds and a specific impulse of 240 seconds." here

1 comment:

  1. So do you have a Google Alert set for all things "dong," or what?
