Obama: Not God, Not World President

The Sunday Times has a good piece on the international (over)reaction to Obama's victory. Frankly, it's a bit out of hand. As the article reports, The Guardian, a UK paper, felt the need to write: "Welcome back into the world, America."

You pompous Brits, screw 18 generations of your colonizing, pale, gormless, anemic ancestors. (You still showing your chivalry by fighting every war to the last American?) I loathed every minute of the Bush/Cheney years, but the US people elected them and I truly believe they pursued what they saw as US national interests abroad. (Their perception, of course, was completely insane.)

Guess what? Obama will do the exact same thing. From the article:
Barack Obama has not been elected President of the World; the world is not his constituency; and his responsibilities to the world are secondary. He is President-elect of an important but declining power, and his responsibilities, especially in hard times, are to its citizens.
So to every nation that thinks Obama is their savior--he is not. He's ours. You see that flag in the background--it's not the UN. You want him to care about you, join on as the 51st state.

By the way, Britain, isn't speaking of America as a "declining power" a bit ironic given that you are an impotent nation of panty-waists with poor oral hygiene that is several centuries past its prime? How long do you think we will let you hold on to that seat in the UN Security Council or your over-representation in the IMF and the World Bank? India (you remember them right? the ones that claim your nation is the bastard child of a demon and a monkey) can counter-balance China and Russia just as well. Keep up that lip, just see what happens.


  1. so how do you really feel karl?

  2. Karl what kind of kool-aid are they doling out there at Stanford? Whatever kind it is, it is certainly double strength. It seems as though your political whit is experiencing a revival or maybe more of a rennaisance. Although now that I have joined the dark side ... keep spitting it out because I am enjoying the flavor.

  3. Dunno, seems pretty good to me to have a president that every country wants to be their president, and pretty good that everyone is still so interested in u as to even care.

  4. uh, that's "interested in us (America)", not "interested in u (Karl)"

  5. This reminds me of an experience I had abroad. . .

    I was watching the news with subtitles in Greece and I was blown away by the fact that they referred to Bush as, not President of the USA, but Mr. World Leader!


  6. BTW, I love this quote: "impotent nation of panty-waists with poor oral hygiene that is several centuries past its prime"

    Have any good descriptions of Canada?

  7. i'm with monique. it's hard to even consider disagreeing when i hear how you describe those you don't like.
