Photographers Always Trying to Keep the Black Man Down In the Corner...

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I really like The Big Picture--it delivers exactly what I want pictures that are also big. If anyone knows of the following sites I would appreciate a link: The Fulfilling, High-paying Job; The Loving Wife; The Tide-Me-Over Girlfriend Until I Find A Loving Wife; and The Taking the Sexy-Librarian Sarah Pallin Analogy Too Far Blog.

Wait, that last one is already around--Nailin' Pallin is the latest new questionable flick from Flynt. Apparently two Russians were just driving by Pallin's house in Alaska when their car breaks down and they come in to "use the phone." Hijinks (the kind that makes babies) ensue.... No link.


  1. No link to the original, maybe, but Ricky Gervais and Thandie Newton did a pretty good reading.

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