
I remember getting a lot of satisfaction from blogging in the early days. Now not so much. I wonder what changed? People with an online presence were cool. Now, if you are a twenty-something and don't have a facebook page, you are cool. Chatting was cool, now it's passe. Texting was neat, now its an annoyance.

I tried my own little rebellion this summer--I packed up every piece of clothing except two pairs of khaki pants, two pairs of khaki shorts, 3 short sleeve button up white shirts, and 1 long sleeve button up white shirts, 1 tie, 1 pair of blue sneakers, 1 belt, 4 pairs of underwear, and some socks. I never had to decide what to wear. Even to church, I just cinched a tie around my neck. I think I told 1 or 2 people about it, but most never noticed, or if they did notice, they never commented. I wore the same thing for about two months.


  1. I always wished I could be as cool as you.

  2. i have been tempted to try the clothing thing on purpose, although i inadvertently wear the same things over and over. now you are the first person that i know to have successfully accomplished that feat. also, robbie and i are going to start disconnecting on weekends. that decision was a result of my blogging malaise also. we'll see how that goes. also, thanks for the pony link. lots of lolls.

  3. I bet people noticed. There was a lady at the office where I used to work who wore the exact same thing every day: black skirt, white oxford shirt, and white tennis shoes. She also wore glasses like Matt's old ones (big, plastic, black frames). Occasionally she added a red blazer.

    I never said anything to her but I did notice, and wondered whether her closet was full of white shirts and black skirts or if she only had one or two and washed them every night.

    Saying that something used to be cool but is now passe, is passe. BURNED!

  4. Since I only saw you while on vacation, I just assumed you only wanted to bring a small bag of stuff. I did the same thing all summer because I was on vacation and didn't want the extra luggage. I think most people really only wear the few things they really like no matter how much or how little they own. I think it's a good system. After four or five months your stuff wears out and then you have a good excuse to get something new, instead of trying to justify new stuff when you still have a closet full.

    But don't quit blogging. I like reading your stuff.

  5. I think this may be the answer to the mountain of laundry and hours of folding I have to face once a month.

  6. nytimes knock off!
