64 Liters

As most of you know, I have been farting around with my thesis for a long time.  There are just so many loose ends that I don't want to tie up because it is boring and tedious and hard.  But I am newly recommitted.

I keep trying these very sensible approaches to getting my work done--scheduling, setting aside time each day, making very reasonable goals.  So instead, I think I will do what I do best--and just go way overboard.

Now that I look back on the last ten years--a lot of the stuff I got done at college and at work involved prolonged suffering.  So I went out and bought 64 liters of Diet Coke and decided that I will basically do nothing but work until I collapse into a immune-compromised heap sometime around Monday.  No real deadline, just want to get this done and will give it the big push.

Speaking of hearkening back to yesteryear, do you remember the good old days of blogging?  Back when basically no one did anything remotely like blogging.  Instead, a bunch of pubescent girls and concave-chested teen boys vomited their thoughts and feelings online into an unreadable mess of teen angst?  Yeah, I am going to channel that.  I am reclaiming this blog for what it should be--stream of consciousness update on my never-ending misery and self-torture that is my thesis.

My supply--when this runs out, I better be done:


  1. I think I see some green bottles in there. Isn't that cheating?

  2. Harry said, "What is Karl doing these days? Where is he living?"

    You need to get finished.

    Go for it.

  3. don't kill yourself.

  4. That's the only way my projects get done. Ignore everything else until it's finished. Consequently, I haven't finished project since I had kids!

    Good luck!

  5. Glad to see you embracing your natural roller coaster work habits. You can do it. Give it the death blow!

    I hope you varied the types of soda.

  6. is the non-alcoholic beer yours too? classy.
