Before & After

I tried to teach sister Hannah how to surf. My instructions:

- Paddle hard, catch the wave, you will be fine.
- Careful, the channel we are surfing in is only 10 yards wide
- PS watch out for the rocks on the left--the current will suck you into them.
- Also watch out for the rocks on the right--don't paddle over too far
- Also watch out for the rocks on the bottom--some are only submerged a foot or too
- Finally, fall "shallow" and don't kick--the reef will tear you up.

Luckily, there were only two-sies & three-sies today. Somehow she is still alive, despite a mid-session board switch.


  1. I'm jealous Hannah. Looks like paradise.

  2. I learned many things about surfing in this before and after. 1) Surfing takes the sun out of your life. 2) Surfing kills trees, or maybe it was just the major tsunami that apparently raised the ocean level by 200 feet. 3) Why am I so much more a wuss than everyone?
