So What If My Blog Is a Receptacle of Recyled Humor

So I just finished reading a paper about why investment managers should use a different technique to evaluate the performance of their investments in hedge funds (at SSRN, here, which is one of my new favorite sites, part of me just loves reading papers) when I decided to take one more hit on my blog bong (i.e., hitting the update button on my rss blog feeds) to see what was out there waiting to be discovered. Over the past year or so I have aggregated a few hundred sites that I check, some much more often than others.

One of my favs, about which I may or may not have already blogged, is Post Secret. I am sure you have heard of it. If not, here are some facts: Post Secret is the ninth largest blog on the web and it is the largest blog with no ads. Post secret is "an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard." Because these truly are secrets, they tend to address things you wouldn't talk about with your grandma--feeling unloved by your mother, hiding addictions, and various other sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll topics. Explore responsibly.

With Harry & Barb dozing across the hall, I felt particularly guilty laughing so loud and long at the post-cards below. Mind you, this was real LOL-ing (laugh-out-loud), borderline ROFL-ing (rolling on floor laughing), not the LQTM-ing (laugh quietly to myself) normally engaged in by computer nerds everywhere. I was just minding my own business when I came across these:


  1. how did you find my secret?

  2. I Don't laugh out loud very much but I love this site. I will have to go thru it when I get more time.

    btw Karl, which one is yours? j/k :)
