Snappy Titles

So I am writing some grad school essays and need a snappy title for one. I tried googling "snappy titles" but all I got were blog posts from losers who could (similarly) not come up with a snappy title. So I searched for "best title ever" to be sure and weed out those proles. The result was not quite what I wanted, but educational nonetheless. I had the vague idea of buying the Pooh book for Christmas for someone, but the only copy I found (it is out of print) was $150. (Un)fortunately (depending on your perspective), I don't love anyone that much to blow that on a classy gag gift.

Also, I think the first step to beating the blues is to not buy a book that says you are a complete idiot.


  1. I like your post cousins Karls, you make me laugh. This is the cousins Dawn by the way.

  2. I think my favorite part is actually the awesome 80s hairdo the "Beating the Blues" author is rocking. Obviously hairspray and backcombing are key techniques in combating depression.
