So I am in a particularly foul mood this morning after a night of absolute torture: I redid 3 sets of analyses that Manila screwed up and went back and forth with Graphics 12 times (literally) on a set of slides. This. Process. Is. So. Terribly. Grinding. And. Slow. My eyes are bloodshot after pretty much a long week of not sleeping. I have gone through a 12-pack of Diet Coke this week by myself. Long nights aren't a badge of honor like they were in high school. Frankly, I am embarrassed to admit that I am forced into this sort of work environment. Why don't I quit?
In this state of what only feels like heavy lead coursing through my temples and stinging the back of my eyeballs, I was pessimistic when I got an email from Yale saying my admission decision had arrived. My plan is to pick up a MA in Chinese Junk (get it, meaning both "stuff" and a "ship") in a year between my 2 years of MBA. Apparently my hastily crafted essays did the trick and they told me they will be delighted to welcome me to a 1-year degree that is pretty much useless but quite expensive. So, anyway, I guess that is better than being told my analysis sucks and I need to do it over, again....
I heartily endorse expensive useless name-brand master's degrees, but only if they don't interfere too much with your free time. Congrats, seriously (isn't this the second time Yale has wanted you, you tease?)