
In seven months I have received 16 DVDs from Netflix and watched 2 movies online. So $15.14 * 7 / 18 = $5.89 per movie. The only way I can bring that down is to waste more time by watching more movies. CANCEL!

What's your cost per movie?


  1. i'm afraid to ask, but we are easily over $20 per movie.

  2. It is posts like this that reaffirm my belief that netflix has no power against the DVR! I think I pay $5 a month and I easily watch 100 shows a month .... I think that is like 5 cents per show ....SCORE! Especially considering that if I did not have DVR and had to watch them when they aired I would probably be lucky to watch 5 showws per month.

    As a side note I guess I have been able to stave off Netflix because I have not watched a commercial in like 3 years!

    1- I don't see the Netflix promos
    2 - I never know what new movies are out so I never go to the theater.

  3. You are not calculating it correctly...I believe it is cheap, but what is your satellite per month? $120?

  4. OK my sattelite is $49 a month, but that is a sunk cost so it does not count. Regardless of whether or not I had netflix I would still have a sattelite due to the fact hat where I live there is no other way to get TV. So basically the $49 just puts me in the same position as a guy like you living in a metropolitan area where you can get broadcast television. I would say that 85% of what I watch is on broadcast TV.
